Thursday, June 29, 2006

Win Friends and Influence People

Well, congratulations to Israeli army for single handedly pissing off the most people with the most ruthless efficiency yet this year.

By bombing a - no, let me rephrase that - the power station in the Gaza Strip they turned off the light, refrigeration, AC and possibly the water pumps for over a half a million people living in a desert in the middle of the summer. This is an action that is so self-destructive to the Israeli’s desire to live with a modicum of security that it simply defies logic.

Yes, I know they are searching for a soldier kidnapped from a checkpoint last week, and I know that Hamas is a terrorist organization and they are crazy to boot, but what strategic advantage could the Israelis possibly gain by plunging a half a million people – who already hate their guts - into the stone-age?

Actions like this undercut any moral authority that the Israelis have ever had. They justified their own nation in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Since then, especially in recent years, they have squandered their own legitimacy by taking some very Nazi-like actions. The Gaza Strip doesn’t look all that different to the Warsaw Ghetto to me.

It would also not be inappropriate to point out that under internationally accepted definitions an action like this would also qualify as either a war crime or genocide (A decent definition of both is available here: ), take your pick.

I’m not sure what else you can say about this situation. This is just insanity.


Blogger John Morris said...

Not too sure if I am too qualified to speak here. I don't know that much about the details of the conflict. But why should that stop me.

I think that there is more than enough insanity to go around over there. It doesn't seem as if the Palestinians have done anything to make people feel that they could live in peace with anyone. If people regulary took a path train into NY from NJ and blew themselves up. And if there were polls done that seemed to show that the peopple in NJ thought that was cool. There would be a war.

I think that both sides need to cool off and think like rational human beings. But that is not what religion is about.

1:40 PM  
Blogger John Morris said...

Not too sure if I am too qualified to speak here. I don't know that much about the details of the conflict. But why should that stop me.

I think that there is more than enough insanity to go around over there. It doesn't seem as if the Palestinians have done anything to make people feel that they could live in peace with anyone. If people regulary took a path train into NY from NJ and blew themselves up. And if there were polls done that seemed to show that the peopple in NJ thought that was cool. There would be a war.

I think that both sides need to cool off and think like rational human beings. But that is not what religion is about.

1:40 PM  
Blogger John Morris said...

Not too sure if I am too qualified to speak here. I don't know that much about the details of the conflict. But why should that stop me.

I think that there is more than enough insanity to go around over there. It doesn't seem as if the Palestinians have done anything to make people feel that they could live in peace with anyone. If people regulary took a path train into NY from NJ and blew themselves up. And if there were polls done that seemed to show that the peopple in NJ thought that was cool. There would be a war.

I think that both sides need to cool off and think like rational human beings. But that is not what religion is about.

1:40 PM  

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